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A team that leaves its mark

Social Responsibility solutions adapted to the needs of SMEs: strategy, training and communication.


Huella Responsable can help small and medium-sized companies to develop and implement their strategic communication plan from an ethical approach.

Communication is a determining factor in the construction of an ethic. At Huella Responsable we are aware of the power of communication and its ethical responsibility to society.
However, ethics has a precarious application in management and business communication. If the only purpose of communication is to seduce and persuade the receiver to stay in the channel to chain him, we are out of any ethical relationship: ethics is being crushed by the market, by a commercial pressure that aligns us with the excessive consumption of products and services that deteriorates our system of values. Today’s communication through social networks is based on the desire to make ourselves known to others, to spread the image we want others to have of us.

At Huella Responsable we help you to communicate ethically, which implies the desire to get to know the other, on the basis of an exchange. A company’s values must be known, communicated and accredited. They are the basic reference that shapes corporate social responsibility (CSR) policies, the actions of which become fully meaningful in connection with the common principles that the organization accepts and practices. From this approach, we can help SMEs to develop their corporate communication strategy.

“Huella Responsable collaborates with SMEs to develop communication from a responsible approach and applying ethical criteria in communication, which implies taking into consideration the receiver of the message and understanding what he/she needs”.

The way in which the company behaves with the different stakeholders is perceived by the different economic agents and the sum of these perceptions is concentrated in the corporate reputation which becomes an informative signal when making purchase, work or investment decisions.

Reputation is a very valuable and difficult to build intangible asset that is generated over time through a slow process of accumulation. However, it is a very fragile asset, as it can deteriorate rapidly if the organization does not take care of it. Intangible assets have never been as important as they are today and represent an increasingly large proportion of the value of companies.

In the current business model, success does not lie exclusively in economic benefits but in the ability to generate long-term relationships of trust with stakeholders, and reputation is the key to achieving this. Organizations no longer compete only for size, dimension or financial variables, but to gain the respect, admiration, empathy and support of those who are key to their survival: people, i.e. their priority stakeholders.

“In this context, applying ethical criteria in communication is a fundamental factor in building positive perceptions among stakeholders and thus achieving a good corporate reputation.” The key to communicating ethics is to align what we say with what we do and to work the communication with a careful balance between the two. Communication is vital to building a reputation as stakeholders need information about companies, their business and their products and services, but too much enthusiasm or messages with the wrong tone can be counterproductive.

“At Huella Responsable we can help you build trusting relationships with your key stakeholders.”


At Huella Responsable we specialize in different areas of corporate social responsibility.

Corporate Sustainability

At Huella Responsable we help our clients integrate sustainability into their business model through a process that requires commitment, leadership, innovation and planning.

Sustainability and the Rural Environment

Dedicate efforts to raise awareness among the urban population that the problem of depopulation is a problem for everyone, not just the people who live in the towns.

Education for Sustainability

Huella Responsable designs and organizes workshops for children on the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) and the 2030 Agenda that awaken a critical spirit, essential for the great challenges facing our planet.

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