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At Huella Responsable we specialize in different areas of corporate social responsibility. corporate social responsibility.
Corporate Sustainability
At Huella Responsable we help our clients integrate sustainability into their business model through a process that requires commitment, leadership, innovation and planning:
- Adapting it to the size and life cycle of each SME.
- Through a flexible work model based on continuous improvement.
- Divided into simple stages that adapt to the sector of activity, its human and financial capacities.

Corporate Sustainability
At Huella Responsable we help our clients integrate sustainability into their business model through a process that requires commitment, leadership, innovation and planning:
- Adapting it to the size and life cycle of each SME.
- Through a flexible work model based on continuous improvement.
- Divided into simple stages that adapt to the sector of activity, its human and financial capacities.
We offer tailor-made solutions for SMEs in terms of business sustainability:
Huella Responsable designs and develops the CSR master plan with a focus on the generation of value and the economic sustainability of SMEs:
Defining a gradual process that will help uncover new business opportunities and strengthen your competitiveness in a global economy.
- Initial diagnosis.
- Market Analysis and Research.
- Align the business strategy with the SDGs.
- Strategic Plan for Corporate Social Responsibility.
- Design of phases according to the reality of the SME.
- Workshops to involve employees in a common project to contribute to local and global development.
- Monitoring and measuring impact: dashboard.
- CSR management system adapted to SMEs.
- Responsible communication plan to improve the relationship with stakeholders.
- Context and competence.
- Stakeholder needs and expectations.
- Risks.
- Objectives and Strategy.
- Indicators.
- Actions and their planning.
- Evaluation. Proposals for improvement.
As a result, you will achieve a positive impact on your company’s reputation and greater access to sources of financing derived from improved risk control. Your company will be able to maintain a more motivated and committed team and this will result in a reduction in your labor costs.
We help to understand the pillars that underpin sustainability in order to drive change to the people involved.
We offer workshops and courses on sustainability that are tailored to the needs of SMEs that want to improve their economic, social and environmental impact.
Objective: to offer a comprehensive vision of sustainable development that allows participants to be sensitized and help them internalize the motto of Responsible Footprint
: if
you change, everything changes.
Who is it for?: The Responsible Footprint training workshops are adapted to different audiences and profiles, from local public administrations (city councils, provincial councils, etc.).) to management teams of small and medium-sized enterprises, middle management, associations, colleges and universities, etc.
o Business Ethics and Sustainability.
o 2030 Agenda and SDGs.
o Responsible Consumption.
o Communication and reporting on sustainability.
o Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).
o Sustainability and reputation.
Huella Responsable helps you improve communication with your stakeholders through sustainability reports that invite you to read and adapt to the information needs of each audience
Less is more: our motto in CSR communication.
Huella Responsable designs, plans and prepares the Non-Financial Information Report, in order to comply with current regulations based onLaw 11/2018.
According to the legal text, the minimum contents of the information to be reported are:
- Business model.
- Description of policies.
- Policy outcomes.
- Main risks and impacts.
- Key indicators.
We offer easy-to-understand content that focuses on what is relevant (materiality).
Our extensive experience in the field of Communication brings added value to our clients.
Huella Responsable develops corporate social responsibility reports for small and medium-sized companies that want to comply with the GRI Communication Standard, the most recognized and used nationally and internationally.
Contents to consider:
- Fundamentals.
- Profile of the organization, strategy, ethics and integrity, governance, stakeholders and practices in the preparation of the report.
- Management Approach:
- Economic performance.
- Environmental performance.
- Social performance.
Sustainability and Rural Environment
The headquarters of Huella Responsable is located in a municipality in the Sierra de Guadarrama and This is no coincidence. Its founder, Sonia Gómez, discovered years ago the value that nature has had for their personal development and their health, as well as the importance of living according to their
your principles and values. Values that changed as I understood and delved into the fundamentals of sustainability. He left the centre of Madrid and after a stage in Bustarviejo (a municipality of 2,400 inhabitants in the Sierra Norte de Madrid), settled in Guadarrama. She currently combines her work at Huella Responsable with her other work at Huella Responsable project, El Jardín de Gaia, a training farm in regenerative agriculture and entrepreneurship in rural areas.

Depopulation of rural areas
UN forecasts that by 2050 two out of three people will live in the United States. cities or urban centers (The World Cities in 2018, UN). With a population that continues to As the world increases, the world is becoming more urban and less rural. Crowding the cities means neglecting the villages which, beyond the devastating consequences of the depopulation of the rural world, has a serious impact on the population’s sources of supply and on the population’s population. Conservation of the natural environment. Very serious problems that are for “all people” do not only from the rural population.
“That is why it is important to devote efforts to raising awareness among the urban population that
the problem of depopulation is everyone’s problem, not just the people who live in
the villages.”
The Challenge We Face
Territorial polarization is one of the major trends that characterize globalization of the 21st century. The causes of depopulation are structural and associated with the dynamics of depopulation. of globalization, which has brought very different benefits to the different territories within each country, causing divergences in productivity and innovation that in turn have led to a generated geographic disparities in income and personal well-being. Thus, while the cities They take advantage of agglomeration economies, generating virtuous dynamics of productivity, employment and economic gains, small municipalities and rural areas suffer from situations of stagnation and decline that negatively affect the lives of their inhabitants.

“Huella Responsable’s work focuses on promoting the local implementation of
the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda in rural municipalities at risk of
Sustainable rural development plans
The growing economic, social and environmental decline of many rural Spanish municipalities has evidenced the urgent need for Public Administrations to respond to the the widening gap between the countryside and the city and a change in the approach to rural policy to leave behind the essentially agrarian model and move towards a territorial and integral.
Huella Responsable, from its knowledge, proximity and appreciation of the rural environment, has developed A line of work dedicated to promote the economic, social and environmental progress of the Rural municipalities at risk of depopulation in order to help mitigate this serious This is a problem that affects all Spaniards.
How we do it
Our purpose is to collaborate with the Provincial Councils and City Councils of rural municipalities in the design and implementation of their sustainable rural development plans, promoting a participatory territorial approach that recognizes rural inhabitants as managers and actors of their own development. And we want to do it by highlighting everything that the rural environment has to offer. it can contribute to the well-being of the population as a whole (with its natural resource base) and
to the new economic and social model based on the principles of the 2030 Agenda. To reach In the face of major global challenges, it is essential to build solutions from the levels of the Administration closest to the citizens, that is, from the Local Entities (municipalities and provincial councils).

Education for Sustainability

Huella Responsable designs and organizes workshops for children on the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) and the 2030 Agenda that awaken a critical spirit, essential for the great challenges facing our planet:
The objective of our workshops is to work on a new way of looking at LIFE, a feeling of belonging to the world that translates into a different behavior conducive to sustainability.
Workshop on SDGs and the 2030 Agenda for Children
The Agenda for Sustainable Development, unanimously agreed by the United Nations in 2015, addresses the entire world. This implies transforming the educational model so that sustainability is explained in the classroom from an early age.

At Huella Responsable we are increasingly involved in what some people now call Education for Sustainable Development and we prefer to call Education for Sustainability. Thus, we move away from the negative connotations of the term “development” and focus on what we must teach children to ensure the survival of the human race on this planet.
In addition, we want to do it from a dual approach that includes training in sustainability to TEACHERS who are in the day to day efforts to educate the citizens of the future.
Objectives of the SDG workshop for children:
- Awaken the critical spirit from an early age.
- Facilitate the understanding of sustainability from the perspective of life.
- To raise awareness of the consequences of human activities on the health of the planet.
- Explain the solutions that human beings are providing to solve the environmental crisis we are facing

Methodology of the SDG workshop for children:
- The methodology is participatory, creative and moves individual commitment: What can I do?

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